Monday, September 3, 2007

America the . . . not so beautiful

I wanted to post a little blip I wrote earlier this year:

America the Beautiful

It has always been easy for me to marvel and bask in the wondrousness of the America we call the Beautiful. Her history, her gregarious nature toward other countries, her mercy and desire to aid those in need have consistently made her the model of a nation under God. Alas, there is a gnawing pain that has been seeping slowly into my heart for the past several years, being nurtured by an America that is, well, to say the least, not so beautiful. That America’s beauty seems to be tainted by the endless chaos of criticism, inequality, heated debate, misunderstandings of freedom and directionless decisions of many of today’s politicians and misguided individuals.

It is becoming commonplace, in the ugly America, to disguise indulgence as freedom of speech and promiscuity as individuality—acts that suggest we are becoming a nation that is not interested in being under God, but rather a self-sufficient society swallowed up in the valleys of our self-centricity. Then again, perhaps my internal gnawing is increasing more so because as I grow older, the realization that my belief that there are still the likes of men in this world similar in nature to Benjamin Franklin and George Washington is being vehemently challenged by the eccentricity of modern man.

Moreover, it seems that men and women should be willing to either decline positions of importance if they come to the realization that they lack ability and present a sub-par character, or endlessly and publicly develop themselves for the betterment of mankind. Today, however, too many men and women simply seek to hide their idiosyncrasies in order to amplify their opportunity of obtaining position with no thought of how their me-centricity might affect the future.

Nevertheless, I still dream of America the Beautiful. I dream of her day when equality overpowers disparity, when credit is given when credit is due, when achievement awards are given to those who consistently try without ever reaching their goal, when there is a firm, fair and consistent court system. Indeed, I dream of the fulfillment of every man and woman’s pursuit of life, liberty and happiness steadied by the moorings of this country’s foundation that proclaims In God We Trust.

Sincerely, with this year’s approaching 4th of July celebration, I wish to raise my voice of humble pride in thanks for who our founding fathers were and for working so diligently to make a Beautiful America; as well as raise my voice in prayer that this country finds the likes of such men once again. Finally, may we celebrate this beautiful time of year in remembrance of the lives of those men and women who fought for our freedom and may we not take it for granted and thus disgrace the work they accomplished. Yes, let the fireworks fly, the noise makers sound forth and the skies be filled with lights; symbolically suggesting that we still, even today, Let Freedom Ring!